Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's official. I'm bored.

So I started this blog promising myself that I would try to write at least twice a month. But I sit here avoiding laundry, dishes and general cleaning to stare at a computer that is begging me to do something productive.

Like write my blog.

Darn you computer, for being so compelling versus doing housework.

SO, I guess I sit here doing my darnest to think of anything to write. Therefore, it's time for another edition of "here's what's in my head today..." Enjoy:

- Silver is shiny. don't you think so? Yes; it is in case your answer was no. Seriously. Look at it.

- The word "is" is a silly word. Is. Is. Is. it looks more ridiculous the more you look at it.

-Also, "it" is weird. It.

- Do you ever listen to music and all the sudden, you feel that you are in a different place, but your eyes are open? that just me...being totally weird..?

-Just re-read the above sentence. And even I don't know what the heck I said.

- So, ball pits are fun. But not if you share them with other people. Ew.

- My dear friend Lauren has a blog. It's called, "The Dairy Queen" and yes, she is a new mother, how did you figure that one out?


- Black Cherry Flavored Water from Wal-Mart is tasty. When I drink it, it taste just like it would if I crushed a bunch of black cherries, filtered it, and then added carbonated water and put it in a bottle. Since I feel that I'm leaving out some vital steps for doing that, I'll just continue to allow Wal-Mart to do it for me.

- Grande soy double chocolaty-chip frappachino. No whip.

- I need a pool.

- Preferably a big pool, none of this "4 foot deep" mess.

- I would like to run through a forest after it rains just to know how deer feel.

- I almost hit a deer with my car.

- I've hit at least three birds while either driving or riding in a car. Interesting fact? I think so.

- I miss my New Orleans friends. And Sucre. And Ninja. But definitely the friends more...or Ninja. Don't judge me. Ninja is awesome. 

- Fine, fine. I guess I miss my friends more. 

- Chickfila.

Good night sweet readers, parting isn't really that sorrowful. <- That was a joke. Don't get it? Read Shakespeare.

Well, it was a terrible joke. But you get the point.

1 comment:

  1. Kate: It better be soy, whore!!!

    Patricia: Kate, my window is open!!

    Hahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha. This is carmen, btw. I wish you were coming in September!!
