Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well, Hello October...

...You snuck up on me!

I'm also pretty sure I just made that word up. Snuck. Sneaked? Snocked? Snuck just seems wrong.


I love fall.

SO anyway, I'm trying this thing where I'm trying to type without looking at the keyboard.

Here's how it's going: the quick dfon husdmd ober the from dog.

That was supposed to read: the quick fox jumped over the brown dog.

It's not going so well.

When typing an email at work of, oh, let's say three sentences, it takes me 5-10 minutes. And apparently, that is not a good thing? Like apparently, people are suppose to type faster than that? And APPARENTLY, pecking the letters like a chicken is not acceptable in normal society unless I'm over 70 and wasn't a secretary in the '50's. I can't be blamed for the fact that I missed that one semester of typing in seventh grade, DANG IT!

(Waves fists in air) WHHHYYYY CAN I NOT TYPE?! WWWHHYYY???

In other life tragedies, my purple toenail polish is coming off. I am sad.

To sum up this post:
-Boo lack of typing skills.
-Sad loss of nail polish.

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