Friday, June 24, 2011

I say things. Lots of things.

Blog blog bloggy blog bloggy blog blog.

Oh blog. I heart you because you allow me to say things.

I know, that was deep.

So here's me saying things:

- I'm not technically savvy. I would like to put a link to music on here or tell you to read my friends' blog, but alas, I cannot. I know I'm lame. Lame-o who can't operate a proper blog. In 10 years, my children will be completely computer efficient. Kate Stewart will still not be.

- You know what's good? Lima beans. 

- Some days, I wish I could eat cheese without any after-affects that might result in my husband sleeping in another room...on the other side of the house...with the door closed...and a can of Fabreeze, just in case.

- I don't think I spelled Fabreeze right.

-In my defense, "Fabreeze" is a silly name for something. Just like O-Cello. And Kleenex. Pine-Sol. Pampers. Dasani. The list goes on and on, folks.

- Josh Garrels is an amazing musican. Go look him up and listen to "Over Oceans," "Don't Wait for Me," and "White Owl."

- Hobby Lobby. Any woman reading these two words understands.

- The Old Testament is hard to read. Like, Numbers is rough. I don't want to offend God by skipping over it, but I think He knows that it is my least favorite book. I've also told Him. But I know He knew I would fall asleep while reading it. UPDATE: Just talked to the Lord, and no, He isn't offended. He said it was ok.

- Zaxby's!

Ok, well it was a short one...

I'm going to go eat. 

Zaxby's nonetheless.

PS- I love getting comments. Thanks Patricia, Van, and Jenny!


  1. zaxby's should have made you list of silly names :) what the heck is a zaxby?!

  2. I'm super excited we can comment now! I think those are really stupid names as well. They aren't even real words... I love that we can just make words up and people have to accept it. P.S. I'm really hungry now after reading this!

  3. You crack me up! Seriously, I'm laughing OUT LOUD!

  4. I am officially a follower. I read your stuff all the time but now I am letting the world know I appreciate the incoherent thoughts of Kate Stewart. Actually I relate to most of your thoughts. You make me laugh. Love you.
