Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh, look! I have a blog!

Totally almost forgot I had this thing!

I took December off because it's ridiculous to keep up a blog if I can't even keep my house straight. Any who, recapping December: my friends got married, Christmas, saw some old friends, cabin and and a disappointing football game. There, that was simple and to the point.

So, here's the deal. I'm attempting to keep up the two blog per month thing. And I'm totally counting this one as the first even though it's short.

I'm looking forward to entertaining you people this year. I'm sure it'll be an interesting one since the Mayans tell us that we probably won't survive it. So, I'll try to "live it up" ( as the gangstas say) a bit more then previous years. And by "live it up," I mean that I will risk the stomach ache and not take a lactaid pill before I eat ice cream!

No, that's a risk I'm not willing to take...

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