Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Me and Tennessee...

Guess who moved to Tennessee?

No, not Oprah. Though I could see the confusion because I am just that popular. BOOM. FACE.

Anyway, Brent and I finally moved to East Tennessee so he could start working at Carson-Newman! Whoot for an awesome job that he will do AMAZING at. I'm so proud of him. He's a pretty cool dude. He would be cooler if he brought home a chocolate milkshake every night, but I'll take what I can...

SO, dear readers, do you know what this move meant for me?

Mountains. Lots and lots of mountains.

This makes me happy.

I was driving around this road in town and out the windows on both sides of the car were nothing but farm land, trees, and rolling hills. I loved seeing the old barns with the weathered red color and the sun streaming through the slats. Silos with the green fields and the line of trees separating the land...geez, it's just gorgeous! And one of the best things about living up here- the mountains hide all the little towns and cities in the valleys and around the bends. You'll go over one hill and BOOM! There's a Super Wal-Mart and 5 strip malls. You never saw it coming! It's the best.

I love the mountains. I love the trees. I love the long, quiet roads. I love the 15-ish hours of daylight.

I love living here.

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