Monday, May 30, 2011

Random Thoughts-o Part-o Dos...-o.

I do not speak Spanish. Therefore, forgive the painfully awful title.

It's late at night. And when I say late, I mean 12:30am. My bedtime has long passed and yet, I have found some amusement with YouTube and listening to music that I'm either contemplating buying or just haven't heard in a awhile.

Staying up "late" + YouTube = random thoughts.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the inter workings of my mind:

- I want a mandolin HARDCORE.

- No one uses the word "hardcore" anymore for insignificant things. Like, "I want a quarter to buy that bouncy ball HARDCORE." or "I need to buy some bug spray HARDCORE." and "I want a piece of Super Bubble gum HARDCORE."

-"HARDCORE" is a silly word. I'm sorry I have used it so much. My apologies.

- I love peas.

- Why do people make their own music videos and post them on YouTube? The video that the original artist made was pretty good...why do your own and think it's going to be better? Oh yes, if aliens ever do want to learn about humans, YouTube member greatgoogly567 has the best homemade music video of "Don't Stop Believing"and it will be the key to humanity's survival...geez.

- Large crowds of people are overwhelming. Especially at amusement parks. Heavy machinery and large groups of people are a no-no for this kid (points at self).

- Ooooh. Cotton Candy!

- I hope to one day accept a challenge to eat a lot of cake and only gain a t-shirt.

- I do not type well at night, folks. I just clicked on the spell check and it was NOT good. Yeah, that's right... I'll blame it on it being late at night and not the fact that I failed my spelling tests in 5th grade...

- I went tubing! On a river! And flipped accidentally in the shallow parts. How in the heck do you flip in the shallow parts? Shouldn't that be the parts where you don't flip?

- Seriously, I want a mandolin.

- What ingenious person thought, "You know what? Pigeon Forge needs some culture. Let's build a not-so-exact replica of the Titanic, complete with iceberg, and put it in the rolling Appalachian Mountains. Also, let's have people pay us to get married in it!" Now read that again, throwing in a thick, Southern accent and a man with crazy eyes and overalls. That's the most accurate description I can think of for this fake, Titanic-building idiot.

- My New Orleans friends are awesome.

- Cooking involves a lot of clean-up. I did not sign up for that, therefore I do not cook often.

- My Jeff City friends are awesome.

- Today, I ordered a large salad with a side of mashed potatoes. My father-in-law looked at me like I was crazy. But I know he was questioning my choices out of love and not judgement. Right? Wait...RIGHT?

- Men should not wear pantyhose as masks. How would you begin to rob a bank when you can't even open your eyelids?

- The Punch Brothers have an amazing cover of "Reptilia" and Ray Lamontagne has an amazing cover of "Crazy." Go check them out NOW.  YouTube it.

- FRIED SQUASH! WHA!? I need this to eat RIGHT NOW.

- Iron Chef's host (not Alton Brown, but the Japanese dude) has crazy face. Even when he's sitting down to eat the food, his seems like he's very excitable. Like a nervous coon rat baby.

- WHAT the heck is a "coon rat baby?" And why am I keeping it as my example? No, you know what, I'm going to stand by this decision. "Coon rat baby" it will stay.

- I need to stop watching Food Network when I write this blog.

- I've been to Walmart roughly 8 times over the course of the last 5 days. That's so sad. So, so sad...It's even more pathetic when I seen it written down in a post. Aw, man.

- I need a job. Or a mandolin. Either will work.

Ok, ok. I need to be done with this post. It's getting ridiculous. I mean, come on..."coon rat baby." Really?

I told you all, dear readers, that I will write as I think. Crazy thoughts and all! I mean, you're the one reading know what you're getting in to...and the time is now offically 1:40am. I'm losing my mind.

Until we meet again, stay thirsty, my friends.

Not for beer. But for knowledge and stuff.

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