Monday, May 2, 2011

I like Chicago. The band, not the city.

Though I'm sure that the city is nice. I mean, they got Oprah. She pays for stuff there, right? Like cars for people while pointing and yelling, "AND YOU GET ONE AND YOU GET ONE AND YOU GET ONE... EVERYBODY GETS ONE!!!"

Anyway, I like Chicago. I'm listening, as I type, to "Saturday in the Park." Mostly because they have lyrics like, "Can you dig it? Yes, I can!" Who else can get away with lyrics like that? And yes, I was 'digging' it. Also, the piano and horns are really fun! Listen to that song and try not to bounce your whole body. You cannot. IT IS AMAZING.

I love love music. Yes, I did use the word 'love' twice. You don't really love something until you 'love love' it. I love my husband. I love love chocolate milkshakes. (And I can say that because now he's discovered the magical qualities of the McCafe shake and love loves them too.)

Music is definitely on of those things that can set a mood. Though I tend to be an excitable person, I really love music that has a mellow sound. I tend to go for songs that has a low tempo or just works in minor tones. I love alternative music. I love folk. I love jazz. I love bluegrass. I love rock. I love oldies. Heck, I even appreciate (appreciate being the key word, folks) pop music. I mean, come on, who doesn't know the words to "Bad Romance" or "Just Dance"?

I've been sitting here at home and while messing around on the computer, I turned on my iTunes and realized how wide of a selection I have. I mean, you can't have Foo Fighters and Coldplay on the same playlist, much less with Adele and Alison Krauss. And it's sad when I can walk in to a store and almost immediately recognize the song title, then name the artist and album. My friend Nikki is much better at this than I am... Anyway, I went to my favorite store in New Orleans and while talking to my friend, I stopped the conversation mid-sentence to listen and love each song that was playing over the speakers. (It's cool, she knows that I'm not trying to be rude and that I'm ADD. Thanks, Martha McCarty!) I just loved the atmosphere of being in that store with Keane, Coldplay and Death Cab for Cutie playing in the background.

Eventually, I'll make a list of band and songs I love. Considering that this post is extra long, today, I'll pass so that I won't completely lose you, dear reader, with a long-winded discussing my favorite music.

I just love love music. It is just an awesome gift.

And I know this was a super boring and pointless post, but it was on my mind! You people ask for this when you decided to read this!

1 comment:

  1. 2 questions:

    1. When are you going to make said list?
    2. What store is your favorite in NOLA?
