Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Can't I Write My Blog In My Sleep?

Okie dokie cowpokes. Another day, another post.

And may I applaud myself for keeping this thing up every week! Whoot whoot!

On the other hand, I'm definitely already out of ideas. So, there's that.

I've been told that I write like I talk/think. Which is a compliment, considering that I consider myself to be a happily, sporadic person. (By the way, isn't that a weird word? Sporadic. Say that 3 times and try not to check with someone about whether or not that's a real word... go on, try it.) The thing about how I think and how I write is that I think of my fun blog ideas while I'm not at my computer. So when I sit down to write, all my fun ideas have left my brain. Oh man, if y'all could be in my head while I'm trying to sleep, y'all would have a heyday of wonder! So many thoughts pop into my head when I'm at that stage of sleep where I'm not quite out, but I'm not about to be moved from my pillow.This leaves me with the question: Why can't I write my blog in my sleep?

But, here's what I'm going to do for this particular post and any other post where I have absolutely no themes/stories/antidotes...let my random, incoherent thoughts fly!!! Ready? Here we go:

- Could I grow a soybean farm? Like, a WHOLE farm. If I did, I could have edamame all the time. Just add salt and heat. Convenience at the snap of a limb!

- Jenny just told me it's unhealthy to eat a lot of soy due to its' insane amount of estrogen. Why does soy have estrogen? Does that classify soy as a 'girl'? And does broccoli classify as a 'boy' since it has lots of testosterone?

- I love buying in bulk at Sam's club. A 100 count box of cream puffs? For $14.00? I NEED THIS. My husband hates taking me here.

- I hate filing. I don't do it at my job, but I just hate it. Sorry, Filing, I just undeservingly hate you.

- I don't think "undeservingly" is a word. Nor does my friend Jenny. She just pointed this out to me.

-Spell Check just confirmed that "underservingly" is indeed not a word.

- I haven't gotten in a pool in almost 3 years. That's so weird. But would bathing count? That's like skinny dipping in a tiny pool.

- I just cracked myself up after typing the previous thought...Sad?
- Are Tervis Tumblers magical? I think mine may be.

- Sucre is the French word for sugar!

- I don't care about the royal wedding simply for the fact that Lifetime made a movie about it BEFORE this stupid wedding has even happened.

- I have gift cards that I cannot wait to spend. Hellooo Wal-Mart, TJ Maxx, Lifeway (Yes, I said Lifeway.) and Barnes and Noble!!!!

- Pasta salad with peas? Is that a real food item with a name or am I just dreaming this? 

- Why is boxed pasta salad so good?

- Tiny pasta is fun!!!

- I'm freaking out over finishing all the seasons of Scrubs before we move and now I've started dreaming about Zach Braff and the Janitor. EAGLE!!!

- I'm missing seasons six-eight of The Golden Girls. And the world is missing three out of the four Golden Girls.

-That last thought was a downer. STAY ALIVE BETTY WHITE!!!

-Paula Deen REALLY loves butter. I think her husband might be made out of butter. That's why she loves him so much... I'm sure of it.

- I'm a super bad speller. Spell Check remindes me of this on a daily basis.

- Jenny Martin says I should post a picture for my blog to be an "official" blog:

Gotta love graffiti.

So, that's my incoherent thoughts. I know for a fact that I will be posting more blogs with this type of writing simply because I have a horrible memory. But I do know this from writing everything that has popped in to my head and written down-I'm a crazy person.

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