Friday, April 15, 2011

You do!!!

Oh man.

Blogging is hard.

I mean, I'm sitting here trying to think about things to write...A lot of stuff has been running through my head:
- Like how I've been LOVING the new chocolate shakes from McDonald's, and yes, I said new. They are now considered a "cafe" item instead of a "dessert" item. Oh yes, the McDonald's trick worked because I'm more apt to getting one when it comes from their fancy Starbucks-esque shake maker opposed to their old, nasty looking blender.
- And how much I've been waking up in the wee hours of the morning to pee and it might because of a UTI, but considering that my mother and my mother-in-law might read this, I'll skip that one.
- And why I will miss listening to my Pandora during the workday. My QuickMix radio station is the best because it combines all my stations together and I get random play. For instance, I'll be listening to John Coltrane and then the next song will be Alison Krauss, then Switchfoot, then Ben Folds, then Smoky Robinson, then Imogen Heap and so on. I'm a terribly distracted person...but I really don't have to prove that; this is an evident fact if you know me. I really only listen to this station when I'm at work because it's in the background as I'm "working" (as I was typing that, I totally pictured Joey from Friends doing the air quotes with his fingers, it was awesome). All that to say, when we move, I probably will have the TV on as background or wherever I work won't have the free Pandora app that doesn't have all the on-air advertisements. So, dang. That's disappointing.

But now, I'm thinking about why I'm using a blog. And who would read my rambling thoughts. But, you do! You, random reader, read my blog for no apparent reason except for a good laugh, a pick-me-up after a bad day, or for general curiosity (especially if you know me). So, I'm going to keep on keeping on and find new ideas for this thing.

So, thanks. I think you're pretty cool too. Assuming you think I'm cool. If not, then never mind, I'm sure you're still a nice person...insert winking face here.

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