Friday, April 8, 2011

Well, Well, Well...We Meet Again.

So, to start off, my title of this blog is ridiculous. I mean, hello, it's my first post. And honestly, I'm a little freaked out. This blog is all like, "name your blog NOW!!!!" and "pick a template NOW!!!" Why are you making me make all these decisions, Blogger? So much pressure and so little time!!! You're making me question this life choice, "Blogger," . I hope you don't traumatize anyone else like this. It makes me sad for you.

And now, onward we go...

Clearly, I am not a boring person. I mean, didn't you just read the first paragraph? I am a crazy person. At best, an "interesting" personality and at worst, a "um, okay?" personality. So definitely expect some key moments in your reading, dear reader, where you momentarily ask yourself, "At what point in my life did it make sense to read Kate's blog? And what the heck is wrong with her?" But that's ok. Life goes on and eventually, you'll become immune to my crazy train of thought (if it makes you feel better, you can pretend I sang that in the style of Ozzy Osborne) and obscure pop culture references.

All this to say, I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my mind via blog. I'm wirting in the way that I think, so if it's a little hard to follow, keep on truckin'!

Here goes nothing...

Until we meet again...Again.
See? Crazy person.

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