Saturday, November 19, 2011

I almost missed November!

Holy cow, folks, it's past mid month. I haven't written a post. I KNOW, I KNOW, you are all terribly sad and totally disheartened, but it is the way it is.

I'm totally lost on what to write. And you know what that means...


a.k.a- Here's what's in my head

- Yes, when I used all capitals on that "title"/"short story," I was talking very loudly.

- I have an egg ball that helps my chapped lips. It's blue and smells like a sweet minty gum.

-I hate those Chevy commercials where the dad gets his old car back. Why is he crying? Why did his kids search for FIVE YEARS instead of just buying him the Matchbox Car toy version and paint it the same color as his real car? Why do I think that it's a nice commercial and that I should probably lay off of the fictional characters in a commercial?

-So, water is good, I guess.

- Why are iPhone covers so expensive? I really want a Kate Spade one, but it's like, $40 for her cheap one! What the heck, Kate Spade? Why do you happen to offer the cutest covers at the most unreasonable prices?

- I found a HomeGoods Store in Knoxville! Whoot whoot! (Basically, a HomeGoods store is the same as T.J. Maxx but it's all the home stuff, duh!) AND I WAS EXCITED. And bought...nothing. And I was sad.

- My husband had the craziest trip to the grocery store- He was on the phone with his dad and bought stuff without knowing what he bought until after he hung up. Turns out, he bought kiwi, a pineapple, and iTunes gift cards among other things. Weird, right? Here's what the weirdest thing is: iTunes gift cards at Walmart come 3 $10 cards in a pack. I only got one of those cards. Brent got one of those cards. You do the math.

- I've been jipped.

- One day, I'm going to hire a professional hanger-upper. When we move from where we are now to where we'll be in the future, I'm going to hire someone to hang all my pictures around my house. I'm not kidding. Banging nails in to walls is hard.

- My dog's teeth are falling out. It's normal for a puppy but it's sad because he's so needy and wants us to hold him. And it's really creeping me out. My puppy is not a 5 year old child. I don't want to even help my own children when their teeth start to fall out. It's just weird...

- I'm going to be a bad mother.

- I'll be that mom who attaches those small Bath and Body Works anti-bacterial things to their child. Because kids are gross.

- I feel like I need to have some endorsement money coming my way since I've been dropping names... I'll be waiting on my check T.J. Maxx, HomeGoods, and Bath and Body Works.

That's what I got tonight folks.

Have an awesome day.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Whatcha Listening To?

So, music is fun!

I don't know if  y'all know this, but I LOVE music. LOVE. Like, LOVE music.

I honestly believe that the hours and hours I have spent in the car listening to music heightened my love. Every weekday morning, Daddy would have the oldies station (Fox97.1 for you Georgia people who remember it) on as me, my sister and brother all got dropped off for school. Because they are much older than me, Jay and Erin started to drive themselves, leaving me and Daddy. I love listening to those old songs. Sometimes I would ask for Star94, an alternative/pop station, but eventually, when I started to drive myself, I always had it on the oldies. Mama also helped this love by listening to Star94 occasionally. Actually, I remember her singing "Every Morning" by Sugar Ray. Oh yes. My MOTHER sang THAT song.

Anyway, I'm kinda on a kick tonight with the most recent songs I've added to my collection of iTunes.

And I wanted to share.

Feel lucky people. Just as Oprah doesn't give a car away everyday (anymore- RIP Oprah....not the lady, the show...I just felt like I should explain that. Or not, really, since I never really watched the show considering that I was doing better things with my life. Ok, enough.), I don't always share my lists of music. It's just too many songs.

But here's what keeps rotating on my iTunes (these are all YouTube):

Ray LaMontagne, Beg Steal or Borrow:

Two Door Cinema Club, Something Good Can Work:

Rusted Root, Send Me On My Way:

Feist, Bittersweet Melodies:

Otis Redding, (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay:

The Civil Wars, My Father's Father:

Chicago, Saturday in the Park:

Peter Gabriel, Solsbury Hill:

and of course, what playlist of mine would be complete without a little Coldplay?

Coldplay, Paradise:

So that's what I got right now.... I wanted to add Thomas Newman and maybe a little John Coltrane, but I got lazy.

Music is fun.

So whatcha listening to?

PS- And I will accept Facebook comments, though it is sad to see "0 comments" under my post in the blog world. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Well, Hello October...

...You snuck up on me!

I'm also pretty sure I just made that word up. Snuck. Sneaked? Snocked? Snuck just seems wrong.


I love fall.

SO anyway, I'm trying this thing where I'm trying to type without looking at the keyboard.

Here's how it's going: the quick dfon husdmd ober the from dog.

That was supposed to read: the quick fox jumped over the brown dog.

It's not going so well.

When typing an email at work of, oh, let's say three sentences, it takes me 5-10 minutes. And apparently, that is not a good thing? Like apparently, people are suppose to type faster than that? And APPARENTLY, pecking the letters like a chicken is not acceptable in normal society unless I'm over 70 and wasn't a secretary in the '50's. I can't be blamed for the fact that I missed that one semester of typing in seventh grade, DANG IT!

(Waves fists in air) WHHHYYYY CAN I NOT TYPE?! WWWHHYYY???

In other life tragedies, my purple toenail polish is coming off. I am sad.

To sum up this post:
-Boo lack of typing skills.
-Sad loss of nail polish.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Biggest Loser...and Ice Cream.

Ok, so watching The Biggest Loser makes everyone feel pretty good about themselves...until they start to get to your weight and say things like, "I'm so proud of myself, but I still have 30 more pounds to lose." And then the contestants are all disappointed when they are at the weight you are and they only lose eight pounds.

Well, that's a kick in the head.

Today starts the new season of BL (oh yes, I'm on good terms with the show to where I can nickname it) and I'm feeling REEEAAALLLLYYY good about myself.

Why, hello 440lb man eating ice cream and crying. Yes, I am basically 200lbs, less than you. What's that? In 8 weeks you'll be smaller than me and I'll be the one crying? Dang it.

We used to watch BL with our friends back in New Orleans and it was AMAZING. Clay Rowe, Josh Waybright, and my husband commented throughout the whole show; most comments were terrible, most comments were terribly funny. Eventually, as the contestants got smaller, we started to make less fun and felt more respect for them losing the weight.

I know that Brent and I are starting to watch what we eat as well as exercise and we have friends who have already lost weight and are in the process, too. BL is a great show to feel good about and eventually, make yourself do what you can to feel good about yourself.

It's great to watch, then they reach your personal weight, and it makes you feel motivated...but only after you finish your second bowl of ice cream.

Mmmm...Ice cream sounds good.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Angry Birds= Angry Kate

Angry Birds is a terribly, terribly addictive game.

It saddens my heart to write this because I hate jumping a bandwagon...but it's crazy game that I can't quit.

Well, technically, I delete the game from my phone and then a month later download it. For the third time.

Stupid Birds. Stupid Pigs. Stupid Monkeys (on the RIO version).

I had a lot more to say about it, but my original post didn't save and I lost it.

Stupid Blog Too.

Ok, rant over!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thoughtless. Literally.

I am without thought.

I promised myself to write a blog twice a month, but now, I have no thoughts in my brain to write about...well, that's not completely true...

Therefore, I present to you,

KATE'S INCOHERENT THOUGHTS (part tres or four)

- My dog is dumb. Cute, but dumb. Moose likes to do acrobatics while chasing his tail. I'm impressed, but also amazed that he does not realize that what his is chewing on IS HIS TAIL. For at least 30 minutes.

- I have $10 all in one dollar bills. To the untrained eye, it looks like it's $15.

- I wish it was acceptable to wear jeans and a t-shirt to work. I mean, hello, I work at a college. Why do I have to dress nice when all the people I help are wearing that or less?

- Peaches are gross.

- I have three pretty highlighters! And because I know, dear reader, that you want to know, they are blue, pink, and yello!

-Yes, I did leave yellow like that on purpose because that's the way it SHOULD be spelled. It's not yell-OW, it's yell- O. Hence, yello.

-I just punished my dog for peeing on the floor for the THIRD time with in 2 hours. He waits until we're home to pee everywhere. It's like puppy rebellion.

- Oh yes, those puppy eyes won't work, Moose. You just sit there.

- Seriously, stop looking at me. I'm not backing down.

- Juicy Fruit does not taste like fruit. Nor does the yello package fool me. I know it's gum. Not a rectangular lemon.

-Something tells me I need to buy some Vera Bradley. You know, to annoy Brent. Also, to be pretty and functional for a lady's handbag.

- Grape flavor water is nasty.

-Why am I all about fruit tonight? Weird.

-WAIT! I did have an apple at 5:30...maybe that's why?

Ok, well, that's enough ridiculousness for now. I hope you enjoyed it, I did.

Now go eat some fruit.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Staring contests...

Ok, this will be weird...but I accidentally get into staring contests with my dog, my friend's dog, and any baby ever.

Moose stares at Brent, but for some reason, we tend to just look at each other. And stare.

It's weird.

The same happens with babies. My niece just looks at me. My friend's kid looks at me too. And I'm sure its the fact that we're facing each other, but, it's still strange.

These staring contests lead me to think a few things:

- are they staring at me because I have something on my face?

- can they read my thoughts?

- are eyes TRULY the window to the soul?

(I don't really think that last thing, it just seemed to the next likely choice.)

All things considered, I'm pretty sure that other people don't feel this way when dogs or babies look at them.

Oh, and cats too.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Milk breath and puppies are gross.

Especially if it's milk without lactose. Blah.

So, we're getting a puppy. She's super cute, but she's a puppy. Puppies can be gross.

I grew up in a house where animals are outside, people are inside, and fish are in bowls.

And I should go ahead and tell you, ye judgers, before you judge me and say, "well you must not love animals enough if you didn't let them in your house..." or "real animal lovers don't need to subject their animals to the harsh elements..." and "does your family hate animals?" Ok, naysayers, be aware that I grew up surrounded by pastures and woods and lakes. And by saying this, I can tell you that not very many people have the land to have (deep breath):
a horse, a pony, 3 chickens, a rooster, 8 pigeons, 2 pigs, a goat, 3 fish, a rabbit, over 20 cats, and 7 dogs.

Don't tell me that we don't love animals. We freakin' love animals.

Anyway, all this to say, we are keeping Ellie (the puppy, duh) inside...and I'm freaking out a bit.

I'm extremely OCD when it comes to my house. I like everything in its place and I'll admit that it's easier to be lazy when the house stays relatively straightened up. There's no poop the clean off the floor, no icky toys to touch, no constant wiping with some "animal friendly" cleaner when I see the slighted bit of something that I can't identify. I grew up not needing to worry about those things. When I would go to a friend's house, I could smell their dog before I saw it. And that was gross. When I would hang out in their living room, I saw the stains from their dog on the carpet. And that was gross. Puppies are gross.

I don't want a gross house. And that's why I'm worried.

I guess I'll have to trust my husband. And my in-laws have cats and dogs in their house and his mother maintains a perfectly clean house. So I trust my husband due to his mom's OCD-ness. And yes, our OCD-ness brings us closer together as a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law family unit.

But Ellie is the CUTEST puppy. Maybe I can forgive her for ruining my house. Or not. Only time will tell.

But I loved her at first sight.

But I also love my clean house.

But this dog is awesome.


Ok, I lied, my fish were not in bowls, but in tanks. And those vase things with the plant growing on top.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's official. I'm bored.

So I started this blog promising myself that I would try to write at least twice a month. But I sit here avoiding laundry, dishes and general cleaning to stare at a computer that is begging me to do something productive.

Like write my blog.

Darn you computer, for being so compelling versus doing housework.

SO, I guess I sit here doing my darnest to think of anything to write. Therefore, it's time for another edition of "here's what's in my head today..." Enjoy:

- Silver is shiny. don't you think so? Yes; it is in case your answer was no. Seriously. Look at it.

- The word "is" is a silly word. Is. Is. Is. it looks more ridiculous the more you look at it.

-Also, "it" is weird. It.

- Do you ever listen to music and all the sudden, you feel that you are in a different place, but your eyes are open? that just me...being totally weird..?

-Just re-read the above sentence. And even I don't know what the heck I said.

- So, ball pits are fun. But not if you share them with other people. Ew.

- My dear friend Lauren has a blog. It's called, "The Dairy Queen" and yes, she is a new mother, how did you figure that one out?


- Black Cherry Flavored Water from Wal-Mart is tasty. When I drink it, it taste just like it would if I crushed a bunch of black cherries, filtered it, and then added carbonated water and put it in a bottle. Since I feel that I'm leaving out some vital steps for doing that, I'll just continue to allow Wal-Mart to do it for me.

- Grande soy double chocolaty-chip frappachino. No whip.

- I need a pool.

- Preferably a big pool, none of this "4 foot deep" mess.

- I would like to run through a forest after it rains just to know how deer feel.

- I almost hit a deer with my car.

- I've hit at least three birds while either driving or riding in a car. Interesting fact? I think so.

- I miss my New Orleans friends. And Sucre. And Ninja. But definitely the friends more...or Ninja. Don't judge me. Ninja is awesome. 

- Fine, fine. I guess I miss my friends more. 

- Chickfila.

Good night sweet readers, parting isn't really that sorrowful. <- That was a joke. Don't get it? Read Shakespeare.

Well, it was a terrible joke. But you get the point.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Me and Polly Pocket are classy.

I'm such a child. 

I love the fact that I have Polly Pockets back at my parents house. And yes, this will be weird, but I want to play with them. I absolutely love (yes, present tense) my Polly Pockets. More than Barbie, more than any stuffed animal, more then crayons and paint. Polly Pocket rules.

We were recently at my parent's house and in my closet, I found a a box of random things. There was some pretty crazy things in there, that apparently I was attached to? 
Anyway just to give you folks an idea:
- a rattle in the shape of a phone receiver
- a plastic Belle figurine
- a metal bookmark
- a torn piece of ribbon
- A toy teapot that was a toy plastic cat family's home (complete with stick-on furnishings, yet no cat family)
- tiny books that came with my American Girl doll

(I don't know why I had that stuff. Don't ask me. I won't be able to tell you... my only explanation would be that I was a weird organizer of things when I was younger. I'm a weirdo.)

But also in that box, I found a tiny Polly Pocket "locket" that I freaked out about! Oh my gosh! It was the greatest thing ever! My initial thoughts were, "What's this? A tiny blue dog head that opens up and has a tinier dog and tiny lady with fake hair!? YES!!! Holy cow...WHERE''S THE REST?"And when I said, "where's the rest," I meant, "Where is the huge plastic bin with my Polly Pocket mansion and diner and grandma's house and cool cat house and other hand sized homes with tiny girls that have painted on clothing/hair and clearly a swallowing hazard to any child under the age of 6?" 

I'm a fast, incoherent thinker.   

Just to give y'all an idea of how massive my collection was, I could build a whole town on the floor of my bedroom. I had several houses, a couple of businesses, and a purple and pink mansion. If Barbie was only an inch tall, she would have NOTHING compared to my Polly's. I had a legitimate preschool, groomers, restaurant, clothing boutiques and a hippie cat family that could have easily been gangsters disguised as hippie cats. My mansion had three levels to it and a ball room that when all the Polly's and 'Pete's' were snapped down, spun. 


And just to classify, these were the OLD Polly Pockets, not the stupid new ones that children couldn't easily eat.

Seriously, all I would love to do is to go in my room, shut the door, and play with my Polly Pockets. 

Yes, as a 25 year old. 

Is that weird?

Friday, June 24, 2011

I say things. Lots of things.

Blog blog bloggy blog bloggy blog blog.

Oh blog. I heart you because you allow me to say things.

I know, that was deep.

So here's me saying things:

- I'm not technically savvy. I would like to put a link to music on here or tell you to read my friends' blog, but alas, I cannot. I know I'm lame. Lame-o who can't operate a proper blog. In 10 years, my children will be completely computer efficient. Kate Stewart will still not be.

- You know what's good? Lima beans. 

- Some days, I wish I could eat cheese without any after-affects that might result in my husband sleeping in another room...on the other side of the house...with the door closed...and a can of Fabreeze, just in case.

- I don't think I spelled Fabreeze right.

-In my defense, "Fabreeze" is a silly name for something. Just like O-Cello. And Kleenex. Pine-Sol. Pampers. Dasani. The list goes on and on, folks.

- Josh Garrels is an amazing musican. Go look him up and listen to "Over Oceans," "Don't Wait for Me," and "White Owl."

- Hobby Lobby. Any woman reading these two words understands.

- The Old Testament is hard to read. Like, Numbers is rough. I don't want to offend God by skipping over it, but I think He knows that it is my least favorite book. I've also told Him. But I know He knew I would fall asleep while reading it. UPDATE: Just talked to the Lord, and no, He isn't offended. He said it was ok.

- Zaxby's!

Ok, well it was a short one...

I'm going to go eat. 

Zaxby's nonetheless.

PS- I love getting comments. Thanks Patricia, Van, and Jenny!

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Leg is Itchy...

...and so are my arms.

Stupid hard water.

{shakes fist in air} Dang you limestone!!!

It might have taken two months, but you got me.

{scratch, scratch}

You finally got me.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Holes in My Clothes...and in Joel Olsteen's.

Oh yes, friends, it happens to the best of us...even Joel Olsteen. Oh yes. Joel Olsteen. Perfectly creepy, bleached teeth, crazy-eyed, "everything is going to be okay" Joel Olsteen.

My pajama pants have 5 holes in them. Like right now, because I'm counting them as I sit here...and that's ok.

Holes magically appear in our favorite clothing. Sometimes we know why and sometimes we don't. Sometimes we continue to wear the "holy" or "holey" (or if "holie" if you want...) items because we just can't tear ourselves away from the memories in that particular jacket, shirt, jeans, or pajama pants.

I have a few pieces from college that I just can't get rid of...

My Epsilon Sigma hooded sweatshirt- 
I cannot tell you how many nights I would throw on this hoodie and go out to walk, go for a drive or go to someone else's dorm to hang out. This hoodie even still smells like college to me. Yes, I do wash it...but the lovely memories remain. I would wear this to EpSig meetings, BSU meetings, and ResLife meetings. Good grief, I love this thing. If it was summer and I felt just the lightest chill, BAM, that sucker was on me like you would not believe! I would wear this thing on top of dresses. That's how addicted I was. Sad? No. AWESOME.

My green zip-up hoodie with the polka-dots-
Like the Epsilon Sigma hoodie, seeing me without this on was uncommon. Best zip-up hoodie ever.
My fondest memory of wearing this was my senior year about 2 or 3 weeks before graduation and I was out with (Shout-Out time!) CatieLane, Suzanne Gonzalez, Meghan Holder and Lindsay Smollar. It was basically all of us walking around the campus doing incredibly goofy things. Definitely one of the best nights of my life.


My blue skirt with the white/yellow/green pattern at the bottom- 
I considered this a church skirt, a work skirt, a casual dress skirt, a fancy dress skirt (when ironed), and an all-around awesome thing to put on for any occasion. I bought it at Old Navy in 2005. And it's 2011. The only thing that's changed is my weight. So if I wear it up past my bellybutton, it still fits...

So I basically wrote this because I noticed that the holes in my pajama pants were getting bigger. 


Not so much, if you know me.

I know this was a super weird post, but, per request of my friends Patricia and Joe and my husband, I'm opening up the comments. 

So let me know, what clothes are you holding on to? 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Random Thoughts-o Part-o Dos...-o.

I do not speak Spanish. Therefore, forgive the painfully awful title.

It's late at night. And when I say late, I mean 12:30am. My bedtime has long passed and yet, I have found some amusement with YouTube and listening to music that I'm either contemplating buying or just haven't heard in a awhile.

Staying up "late" + YouTube = random thoughts.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the inter workings of my mind:

- I want a mandolin HARDCORE.

- No one uses the word "hardcore" anymore for insignificant things. Like, "I want a quarter to buy that bouncy ball HARDCORE." or "I need to buy some bug spray HARDCORE." and "I want a piece of Super Bubble gum HARDCORE."

-"HARDCORE" is a silly word. I'm sorry I have used it so much. My apologies.

- I love peas.

- Why do people make their own music videos and post them on YouTube? The video that the original artist made was pretty good...why do your own and think it's going to be better? Oh yes, if aliens ever do want to learn about humans, YouTube member greatgoogly567 has the best homemade music video of "Don't Stop Believing"and it will be the key to humanity's survival...geez.

- Large crowds of people are overwhelming. Especially at amusement parks. Heavy machinery and large groups of people are a no-no for this kid (points at self).

- Ooooh. Cotton Candy!

- I hope to one day accept a challenge to eat a lot of cake and only gain a t-shirt.

- I do not type well at night, folks. I just clicked on the spell check and it was NOT good. Yeah, that's right... I'll blame it on it being late at night and not the fact that I failed my spelling tests in 5th grade...

- I went tubing! On a river! And flipped accidentally in the shallow parts. How in the heck do you flip in the shallow parts? Shouldn't that be the parts where you don't flip?

- Seriously, I want a mandolin.

- What ingenious person thought, "You know what? Pigeon Forge needs some culture. Let's build a not-so-exact replica of the Titanic, complete with iceberg, and put it in the rolling Appalachian Mountains. Also, let's have people pay us to get married in it!" Now read that again, throwing in a thick, Southern accent and a man with crazy eyes and overalls. That's the most accurate description I can think of for this fake, Titanic-building idiot.

- My New Orleans friends are awesome.

- Cooking involves a lot of clean-up. I did not sign up for that, therefore I do not cook often.

- My Jeff City friends are awesome.

- Today, I ordered a large salad with a side of mashed potatoes. My father-in-law looked at me like I was crazy. But I know he was questioning my choices out of love and not judgement. Right? Wait...RIGHT?

- Men should not wear pantyhose as masks. How would you begin to rob a bank when you can't even open your eyelids?

- The Punch Brothers have an amazing cover of "Reptilia" and Ray Lamontagne has an amazing cover of "Crazy." Go check them out NOW.  YouTube it.

- FRIED SQUASH! WHA!? I need this to eat RIGHT NOW.

- Iron Chef's host (not Alton Brown, but the Japanese dude) has crazy face. Even when he's sitting down to eat the food, his seems like he's very excitable. Like a nervous coon rat baby.

- WHAT the heck is a "coon rat baby?" And why am I keeping it as my example? No, you know what, I'm going to stand by this decision. "Coon rat baby" it will stay.

- I need to stop watching Food Network when I write this blog.

- I've been to Walmart roughly 8 times over the course of the last 5 days. That's so sad. So, so sad...It's even more pathetic when I seen it written down in a post. Aw, man.

- I need a job. Or a mandolin. Either will work.

Ok, ok. I need to be done with this post. It's getting ridiculous. I mean, come on..."coon rat baby." Really?

I told you all, dear readers, that I will write as I think. Crazy thoughts and all! I mean, you're the one reading know what you're getting in to...and the time is now offically 1:40am. I'm losing my mind.

Until we meet again, stay thirsty, my friends.

Not for beer. But for knowledge and stuff.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Me and Tennessee...

Guess who moved to Tennessee?

No, not Oprah. Though I could see the confusion because I am just that popular. BOOM. FACE.

Anyway, Brent and I finally moved to East Tennessee so he could start working at Carson-Newman! Whoot for an awesome job that he will do AMAZING at. I'm so proud of him. He's a pretty cool dude. He would be cooler if he brought home a chocolate milkshake every night, but I'll take what I can...

SO, dear readers, do you know what this move meant for me?

Mountains. Lots and lots of mountains.

This makes me happy.

I was driving around this road in town and out the windows on both sides of the car were nothing but farm land, trees, and rolling hills. I loved seeing the old barns with the weathered red color and the sun streaming through the slats. Silos with the green fields and the line of trees separating the land...geez, it's just gorgeous! And one of the best things about living up here- the mountains hide all the little towns and cities in the valleys and around the bends. You'll go over one hill and BOOM! There's a Super Wal-Mart and 5 strip malls. You never saw it coming! It's the best.

I love the mountains. I love the trees. I love the long, quiet roads. I love the 15-ish hours of daylight.

I love living here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I like Chicago. The band, not the city.

Though I'm sure that the city is nice. I mean, they got Oprah. She pays for stuff there, right? Like cars for people while pointing and yelling, "AND YOU GET ONE AND YOU GET ONE AND YOU GET ONE... EVERYBODY GETS ONE!!!"

Anyway, I like Chicago. I'm listening, as I type, to "Saturday in the Park." Mostly because they have lyrics like, "Can you dig it? Yes, I can!" Who else can get away with lyrics like that? And yes, I was 'digging' it. Also, the piano and horns are really fun! Listen to that song and try not to bounce your whole body. You cannot. IT IS AMAZING.

I love love music. Yes, I did use the word 'love' twice. You don't really love something until you 'love love' it. I love my husband. I love love chocolate milkshakes. (And I can say that because now he's discovered the magical qualities of the McCafe shake and love loves them too.)

Music is definitely on of those things that can set a mood. Though I tend to be an excitable person, I really love music that has a mellow sound. I tend to go for songs that has a low tempo or just works in minor tones. I love alternative music. I love folk. I love jazz. I love bluegrass. I love rock. I love oldies. Heck, I even appreciate (appreciate being the key word, folks) pop music. I mean, come on, who doesn't know the words to "Bad Romance" or "Just Dance"?

I've been sitting here at home and while messing around on the computer, I turned on my iTunes and realized how wide of a selection I have. I mean, you can't have Foo Fighters and Coldplay on the same playlist, much less with Adele and Alison Krauss. And it's sad when I can walk in to a store and almost immediately recognize the song title, then name the artist and album. My friend Nikki is much better at this than I am... Anyway, I went to my favorite store in New Orleans and while talking to my friend, I stopped the conversation mid-sentence to listen and love each song that was playing over the speakers. (It's cool, she knows that I'm not trying to be rude and that I'm ADD. Thanks, Martha McCarty!) I just loved the atmosphere of being in that store with Keane, Coldplay and Death Cab for Cutie playing in the background.

Eventually, I'll make a list of band and songs I love. Considering that this post is extra long, today, I'll pass so that I won't completely lose you, dear reader, with a long-winded discussing my favorite music.

I just love love music. It is just an awesome gift.

And I know this was a super boring and pointless post, but it was on my mind! You people ask for this when you decided to read this!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Can't I Write My Blog In My Sleep?

Okie dokie cowpokes. Another day, another post.

And may I applaud myself for keeping this thing up every week! Whoot whoot!

On the other hand, I'm definitely already out of ideas. So, there's that.

I've been told that I write like I talk/think. Which is a compliment, considering that I consider myself to be a happily, sporadic person. (By the way, isn't that a weird word? Sporadic. Say that 3 times and try not to check with someone about whether or not that's a real word... go on, try it.) The thing about how I think and how I write is that I think of my fun blog ideas while I'm not at my computer. So when I sit down to write, all my fun ideas have left my brain. Oh man, if y'all could be in my head while I'm trying to sleep, y'all would have a heyday of wonder! So many thoughts pop into my head when I'm at that stage of sleep where I'm not quite out, but I'm not about to be moved from my pillow.This leaves me with the question: Why can't I write my blog in my sleep?

But, here's what I'm going to do for this particular post and any other post where I have absolutely no themes/stories/antidotes...let my random, incoherent thoughts fly!!! Ready? Here we go:

- Could I grow a soybean farm? Like, a WHOLE farm. If I did, I could have edamame all the time. Just add salt and heat. Convenience at the snap of a limb!

- Jenny just told me it's unhealthy to eat a lot of soy due to its' insane amount of estrogen. Why does soy have estrogen? Does that classify soy as a 'girl'? And does broccoli classify as a 'boy' since it has lots of testosterone?

- I love buying in bulk at Sam's club. A 100 count box of cream puffs? For $14.00? I NEED THIS. My husband hates taking me here.

- I hate filing. I don't do it at my job, but I just hate it. Sorry, Filing, I just undeservingly hate you.

- I don't think "undeservingly" is a word. Nor does my friend Jenny. She just pointed this out to me.

-Spell Check just confirmed that "underservingly" is indeed not a word.

- I haven't gotten in a pool in almost 3 years. That's so weird. But would bathing count? That's like skinny dipping in a tiny pool.

- I just cracked myself up after typing the previous thought...Sad?
- Are Tervis Tumblers magical? I think mine may be.

- Sucre is the French word for sugar!

- I don't care about the royal wedding simply for the fact that Lifetime made a movie about it BEFORE this stupid wedding has even happened.

- I have gift cards that I cannot wait to spend. Hellooo Wal-Mart, TJ Maxx, Lifeway (Yes, I said Lifeway.) and Barnes and Noble!!!!

- Pasta salad with peas? Is that a real food item with a name or am I just dreaming this? 

- Why is boxed pasta salad so good?

- Tiny pasta is fun!!!

- I'm freaking out over finishing all the seasons of Scrubs before we move and now I've started dreaming about Zach Braff and the Janitor. EAGLE!!!

- I'm missing seasons six-eight of The Golden Girls. And the world is missing three out of the four Golden Girls.

-That last thought was a downer. STAY ALIVE BETTY WHITE!!!

-Paula Deen REALLY loves butter. I think her husband might be made out of butter. That's why she loves him so much... I'm sure of it.

- I'm a super bad speller. Spell Check remindes me of this on a daily basis.

- Jenny Martin says I should post a picture for my blog to be an "official" blog:

Gotta love graffiti.

So, that's my incoherent thoughts. I know for a fact that I will be posting more blogs with this type of writing simply because I have a horrible memory. But I do know this from writing everything that has popped in to my head and written down-I'm a crazy person.

Monday, April 18, 2011

"Um, I'm her husband."

Now, I'm an awkward person. This is a fact that cannot be denied. Ask any of my family members (in-laws included). Even my Mama and Daddy (Yes, I used "mama" and "daddy" because that's what I call them. No, I'm not four years old; I'm from the South.) think I have my moments. I tend to say or do awkward things or somehow just get into awkward situations.

This was an awkward situation.

This was such an awkward situation that I wrote a Facebook status on it. But somehow, 140 characters didn't quite convey my confusion at this awkward situation.

OK, here we go:
All of our friends were going to see Scream 4 at the movie theater to please our friend Nikki. Side note: DON'T go see a scary movie in a New Orleans theater during it's opening weekend. The end. Scream 4 is rated R and you have to be 17 years old to buy and see the movie.
Now, at this point, let me say that I had woken up that morning, threw my hair into a ponytail and put on an old shirt and jeans. I was also out with my friend Lauren and her awesome son, Trindon, all afternoon. Granted, I didn't look super great.
So, we get to the place, buy the ticket outside, and head inside for the AMC Theater employee to tear it off so we can get to our seats. As this little employee starts to take my ticket, she asks, "Are you over 17? Can I see your ID? Are you here with your parents?" WHOA. Whoa whoa whoa. At this, I was rendered two things: speechless and then a bumbling mess. My response- "Um, ok! Wait, seriously? No, no, It's fine! It happens all the time!" My husband's response- "Um, I'm her husband. She's 25." Of course Brent would say the shortest to most to-the-point answer. As I'm pulling out my ID to prove to her that I was born before 1993, she starts to apologize by telling me that she's 22 and gets this type of thing all the time. I'm sorry, but was that suppose to make me feel better? Not that I was feeling bad before, because I know she probably felt silly, but still. I'm three years older than you lady.
And it's not something I would normally mention, but this was an EIGHT YEAR DIFFERENCE. I'm 25 and was ID'd for looking like I was 17 or younger. Maybe it was the ponytail. Maybe the old shirt and jeans. Maybe, just maybe, I made a deal with the devil and I have a picture of myself that's aging while I stay young. Yup, I just dropped my 9th grade English essay on Dorian Grey on y'all. You weren't expecting that. You're welcome. I started to yell to my friends Krista and Carmen to get out their ID's, but the lady didn't even look at theirs! I mean, that's just wrong. If anything, Carmen gets mistaken for a 18 year old all them time!

I know that people are going to tell me that I'm going to love hearing this in 10-20 years, but I don't want to hear it now! So, please don't tell me that. Let me appreciate the "mistaken younger age" thing when I'm 30 or 40.

Anyway, that's my awkward moment.


Friday, April 15, 2011

You do!!!

Oh man.

Blogging is hard.

I mean, I'm sitting here trying to think about things to write...A lot of stuff has been running through my head:
- Like how I've been LOVING the new chocolate shakes from McDonald's, and yes, I said new. They are now considered a "cafe" item instead of a "dessert" item. Oh yes, the McDonald's trick worked because I'm more apt to getting one when it comes from their fancy Starbucks-esque shake maker opposed to their old, nasty looking blender.
- And how much I've been waking up in the wee hours of the morning to pee and it might because of a UTI, but considering that my mother and my mother-in-law might read this, I'll skip that one.
- And why I will miss listening to my Pandora during the workday. My QuickMix radio station is the best because it combines all my stations together and I get random play. For instance, I'll be listening to John Coltrane and then the next song will be Alison Krauss, then Switchfoot, then Ben Folds, then Smoky Robinson, then Imogen Heap and so on. I'm a terribly distracted person...but I really don't have to prove that; this is an evident fact if you know me. I really only listen to this station when I'm at work because it's in the background as I'm "working" (as I was typing that, I totally pictured Joey from Friends doing the air quotes with his fingers, it was awesome). All that to say, when we move, I probably will have the TV on as background or wherever I work won't have the free Pandora app that doesn't have all the on-air advertisements. So, dang. That's disappointing.

But now, I'm thinking about why I'm using a blog. And who would read my rambling thoughts. But, you do! You, random reader, read my blog for no apparent reason except for a good laugh, a pick-me-up after a bad day, or for general curiosity (especially if you know me). So, I'm going to keep on keeping on and find new ideas for this thing.

So, thanks. I think you're pretty cool too. Assuming you think I'm cool. If not, then never mind, I'm sure you're still a nice person...insert winking face here.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Well, Well, Well...We Meet Again.

So, to start off, my title of this blog is ridiculous. I mean, hello, it's my first post. And honestly, I'm a little freaked out. This blog is all like, "name your blog NOW!!!!" and "pick a template NOW!!!" Why are you making me make all these decisions, Blogger? So much pressure and so little time!!! You're making me question this life choice, "Blogger," . I hope you don't traumatize anyone else like this. It makes me sad for you.

And now, onward we go...

Clearly, I am not a boring person. I mean, didn't you just read the first paragraph? I am a crazy person. At best, an "interesting" personality and at worst, a "um, okay?" personality. So definitely expect some key moments in your reading, dear reader, where you momentarily ask yourself, "At what point in my life did it make sense to read Kate's blog? And what the heck is wrong with her?" But that's ok. Life goes on and eventually, you'll become immune to my crazy train of thought (if it makes you feel better, you can pretend I sang that in the style of Ozzy Osborne) and obscure pop culture references.

All this to say, I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my mind via blog. I'm wirting in the way that I think, so if it's a little hard to follow, keep on truckin'!

Here goes nothing...

Until we meet again...Again.
See? Crazy person.